
Roles and Responsibilities

Jordanian Nursing Council Law

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Functions and Responsibilities:

 Setting the strategy for organizing and developing the profession.

 Proposing the policy of education for the profession and identifying its priorities in accordance with the policy of higher education.

 Proposing standards for selecting hospitals for purposes of training and specialization in the profession, in coordination with the Ministry of Health.

 Adopting the required standards and bases to elevate the standard of the profession and proposing legislations relating to its practicing.

 Proposing the criteria and conditions relating to continuing education and certifying specialization in nursing in accordance with valid legislations.

 Coordinating with local, regional, international entities and parties relating to the profession.

 Providing the opinion on legislations relating to health, if asked by the specialized party.

 Setting required programs to developing human resources and developing technical capacities in the field of the profession, including developing the capacities of nursing administrative leaders.

 Coordinating and cooperating with relevant entities to enhance scientific research in the field of nursing and health sciences.

 Approving courses and issuing directives relating to their regulation, including setting exams, awarding certificates of participation and setting the cost for participation.

 Preparing draft regulations relating to the Council and approving directives issued based upon them.

 Approving the annual budget of the Council and supervising its execution.

 Discussing the annual report and the final audits and approving them.

 Accepting agreements and contracts to be concluded with other parties and assigning the person authorized to sign.

 Appointing a legal auditor for the Council and identifying his fees.

 Any other authorities relating to the functions of the Council.

The Council aims at enhancing nursing services in the Kingdom which would amount to protecting members of the society and promote their health, through regulating the profession and developing it scientifically and practically according to legislations in effect, including the following:

 Joining in setting the national health strategy and in performing established plans and programs regarding the profession and their implementation.

 Developing human resources in the field of nursing to raise the standard of nursing performance in accordance with scientific and practical developments.

 Supporting scientific research with the aim of enhancing the development of the profession.

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