
Her Highness Princess Muna Al-Hussein received a number of awards in recognition of her efforts and commitment to improving the health situation at the local and global levels


Archon Award for Excellence in Leadership and Promotion of Health and Social Care Worldwide from the Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society.


 HRH Princess received the first prize of the award that bears her name "Princess Muna Award" from the American Nursing Credentialling Center (ANCC) This award will be awarded annually at the Magnet Conference in the United States of America for those who are exceptional achievers.


Pro Arte et Scientia Award and The Friend of Nursing Award Certification Tua Omega STTI.


International Service Award at the University of Texas at Arlington.


The President's Award of the American Nursing Credentialling Center (ANCC) during the Magnet Conference in Dallas / America.

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